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Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 00/Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 000详细说明 (浏览1843次)
Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 00/000 Version 1.2 Effective Date 10.01.2012 Material Safety Data Sheet according to EC directive 2001/58/EC 1/8 Print Date 19.01.2012 000000022307 MSDS_AL 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Material Name : Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 00/000 Uses : Automotive and industrial grease. Product Code : 001D8528 Manufacturer/Supplier : ALBA Sh.A Fortuzaj, Vaqar Tiranë Albania Telephone : +355 48 520068 Fax : +355 48 520069 Email Contact for MSDS : info@alba.al Emergency Telephone Number : +355 68 2058945 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EC Classification : Not classified as dangerous under EC criteria. Health Hazards : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions. Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin resulting in disorders such as oil acne/folliculitis. High-pressure injection under the skin may cause serious damage including local necrosis. Used grease may contain harmful impurities. Signs and Symptoms : Local necrosis is evidenced by delayed onset of pain and tissue damage a few hours following injection. Oil acne/folliculitis signs and symptoms may include formation of black pustules and spots on the skin of exposed areas. Ingestion may result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Safety Hazards : Not classified as flammable but will burn. Environmental Hazards : Not classified as dangerous for the environment. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Mixture Description : A lubricating grease containing highly-refined mineral oils, polyalphaolefins and additives. Hazardous Components Chemical Identity CAS EINECS Symbol(s) R-phrase(s) Conc. 1-Decene, dimer, hydrogenated 68649-11-6 500-228-5 Xn R20; R65 5,00 - 10,00 % Shell Gadus S4 V45AC 00/000 Version 1.2 Effective Date 10.01.2012 Material Safety Data Sheet according to EC directive 2001/58/EC 2/8 Print Date 19.01.2012 000000022307 MSDS_AL Additional Information : The highly refined mineral oil contains <3% (w/w) DMSOextract, according to IP346. Refer to chapter 16 for full text of EC R-phrases. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES General Information : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions. Inhalation : No treatment necessary under normal conditions of use. If symptoms persist, obtain medical advice. Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with water and follow by washing with soap if available. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention. When using high pressure equipment, injection of product under the skin can occur. If high pressure injuries occur, the casualty should be sent immediately to a hospital. Do not wait for symptoms to develop. Obtain medical attention even in the absence of apparent wounds. Eye Contact : Flush eye with copious quantities of water. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention. Ingestion : In general no treatment is necessary unless large quantities are swallowed, however, get medical advice. Advice to Physician : Treat symptomatically. High pressure injection injuries require prompt surgical intervention and possibly steroid therapy, to minimise tissue damage and loss of function. Because entry wounds are small and do not reflect the seriousness of the underlying damage, surgical exploration to determine the extent of involvement may be necessary. Local anaesthetics or hot soaks should be avoided because they can contribute to swelling, vasospasm and ischaemia. Prompt surgical decompression, debridement and evacuation of foreign material should be performed under general anaesthetics, and wide exploration is essential. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Clear fire area of all non-emergency personnel. Specific Hazards : Hazardous combustion products may include: A complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases (smoke). Carbon monoxide. Unidentified organic and inorganic compounds. Suitable Extinguishing Media : Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sand or earth may be used for small fires only. Unsuitable Extinguishing Media : Do not use water in a jet. Protective Equipment for Firefighters : Proper protective equipment including breathing apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in a confined space. |