bp Enersyn GCS-180/bp Enersyn GCS-180合成压机油详细说明 (浏览1533次)

Enersyn GCS 180是全合成聚乙二醇润滑油。它达到了处理LPG(液化石油气。丙烷、丁烷)、LNG(液化天然气。如甲烷、乙烷)、烃和化学气体(如乙烯,丙烯、丁烯、氯乙烯单体、丁二烯、氨)的液化压缩机的润滑要求。 该润滑剂含有抗氧剂和防腐剂,因此具有优良的热氧化稳定性,并对压缩机提供了必要的防腐保护。

◆ 由于烃类化学气体在Enersyn GCS 180中的溶解性低,所以发泡少,粘度下降小
◆ 使用寿命长,维修费用少
◆ 其多种气体的可用性,省去了处理不同气体时更换润滑油的要求,这降低了润滑剂的整体费用。

Enersyn GCS 180用于润滑剂与气体连续接触的旋转和往复压缩机的工作槽。这些应用中如果使用矿物油,气体则很容易溶解在油中,使粘度急剧下降,从而会由于润滑性能不足而可能导致压缩机失灵。然而烃类气体在Enersyn GCS 180中的溶解度相对低很多,所以该润滑油与矿物油相比,在同样的初始粘度下,能保持较高的工作粘度,确保了足够的润滑性和使用寿命。
通常,工业涂料不能与润滑剂兼容。故工件内表面不应该设涂层,或者涂以两种成分的涂料,象环氧树脂。该产品与矿物油也不相溶。要注意确保密封材料与Enersyn GCS 180相兼容。推荐材料是腈橡胶(NBR),氟硅橡胶和乙烯基甲聚硅氧烷橡胶(VMQ)。不兼容的材料可能会严重地收缩或膨胀,这将引起密封垫的渗漏或卡咬。

Enersyn GCS 180被 Sulzer, Sabroe 和 Atlas Copco(原来的Linde Compressors)认可.


Enersyn GCS 180 试验方法 单位 结果  
密度 ﹫15℃ ASTM  D1298 kg/1 1.05  
运动粘度﹫40℃ ASTM  D445 cSt 185  
             ﹫100℃ ASTM  D445 cSt 35  
粘度指数 ASTM  D2270 200  
闪点 ASTM  D92 260  
倾点 ASTM  D97 -30  
中和值 ASTM  D664 mgKOH/g 0.5  
( 注:以上为典型数据,不代表产品指标。)

Enersyn GCS-180
Synthetic Gas Compressor Lubricant
Description; Description
Applications; Applications
Main Benefits; Main Benefits
Storage; Storage
Enersyn GCS 180 is a fully synthetic polyglycol
lubricant. It has been developed to meet the
demanding lubrication requirements of reliquefaction
compressors working on LPG
(liquefied petroleum gases) such as butane,
propane and propylene, on LNG (liquefied natural
gas) such as methane, and on hydrocarbon and
gases such as ethylene, vinyl chloride and
butadiene. The lubricant contains oxidation and
corrosion inhibitors, providing excellent thermal and
oxidation stability, together with the necessary
corrosion protection for the compressor.
Enersyn GCS 180 is for use in the working sumps
of both rotary and reciprocating compressors in
which the lubricant is in continuous contact with
gas. If mineral oils were to be used in these
applications, the gas would dissolve readily in the
oil and cause a drastic reduction in viscosity, thus
introducing the possibility of compressor failure
due to inadequate lubrication.
Hydrocarbon gases dissolve to a much lesser
extent in Enersyn GCS 180, so the lubricant
maintains a higher working viscosity than a mineral
oil of the same initial viscosity, thereby ensuring
adequate lubrication performance and a long
working life.
Enersyn GCS 180 is approved by Sulzer, Sabroe
and Atlas Copco Energas (formerly Linde
Painted surfaces - Normal industrial paints are not
compatible with this lubricant. Surfaces should be
left unpainted internally, or alternatively should be
painted with two-component coatings such as epoxy
Miscibility - This product is not miscible with mineral
Seal Materials - Care must be taken to ensure that
seal materials are compatible with GCS 180. The
recommended materials are nitrile rubber (NBR),
fluoro-silicone rubber and vinyl-methyl-polysiloxane
rubber (VMQ). Incompatible materials are likely to
shrink or swell excessively, thus causing either
severe leakage or seizure of the seal.
- Because of the low solubility of hydrocarbon
chemical gases in GCS 180, foaming and
viscosity-reduction are minimal; this ensures the
maintenance of hydrodynamic lubrication, and
hence protection against wear.
- Long working life resulting in lower maintenance
- Multi-gas service obviates the need to change
lubricants when handling different gases. This
simplifies lubricant inventories and so reduces
overall costs.
All packages should be stored under cover. Where
outside storage is unavoidable drums should be
laid horizontally to avoid the possible ingress of
of drum markings. Products should not be stored
above 60°C, exposed to hot sun or freezing
conditions.; of drum markings. Products should not
09/95/UK (CSU) Page 1 of 3 16/11/2005
Health, Safety and Environment; Health, Safety and Environment
Typical Characteristics; Typical Characteristics
The above figures are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.
water and the obliteration
; All packages should be stored under cover.
Where outside storage is unavoidable drums
should be laid horizontally to avoid the possible
ingress of water and the obliteration
be stored above 60°C, exposed to hot sun or
freezing conditions.
Health, safety and environmental information is
provided for this product in the Materials Safety
Data Sheet. This gives details of potential hazards,
precautions and First Aid measures, together with
environmental effects and disposal of used
products.; Health, safety and environmental
information is provided for this product in the
Materials Safety Data Sheet. This gives details of
potential hazards, precautions and First Aid
measures, together with environmental effects and
disposal of used products.
BP Lubricants and Special Products Ltd. or its
subsidiaries will not accept liability if the product is
used other than in the manner or with the
precautions or for the purpose/s specified. Before
the product is used other than as directed, advice
should be obtained from the local BP office.; BP
Lubricants and Special Products Ltd. or its
subsidiaries will not accept liability if the product is
used other than in the manner or with the
precautions or for the purpose/s specified. Before
the product is used other than as directed, advice
should be obtained from the local BP office.
Test Methods; Test
Units; Units Grade :; Grade :
Colour pale yellow
Density at 15 °C ISO 3675, kg/m³ 1057
ASTM D1298
Flash Point (COC) ISO 2592, °C 260
Viscosity KV @: 40 °C ISO 3104, mm²/s 185
100 °C ASTM D445 35
Viscosity Index ISO 2909, 200
ASTM D2270
Pour Point ISO 3016, °C -30
Neutralisation value ASTM D974 mgKOH/g 0.52
Corrosion test DIN 51 355 0 (nil corrosion
AL and Fe)
Refractive Index at 20 °C 1.464
This Data Sheet and information it contains is considered to be
accurate at the date of printing. No warranty or representation,
expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy or
completeness of the data and information contained in this
publication.; This Data Sheet and information it contains is
considered to be accurate at the date of printing. No warranty
or representation, expressed or implied, is made as to the
accuracy or completeness of the data and information
contained in this publication.
The Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage
resulting from any hazards or risks identified in the data sheet
and which are associated with petroleum products concerned
(provided that this disclaimer shall not affect any sta

上一产品: Castrol Optileb V 系列
下一产品: BP ENERSYN RX 100/BP ENERSYN RX100合成空气压缩机油
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