Exxon HyJet V/ Exxon HyJet Limits详细说明 (浏览1568次)

Exxon HyJet V

Fire-Resistant Phosphate Ester Aviation Hydraulic Fluid

Product Description

Exxon HyJet V is a Type V fire-resistant phosphate ester hydraulic fluid, which is superior in thermal and hydrolytic stability to commercially available Type IV hydraulic fluids. Better stability means the extent of fluid degradation in aircraft systems will be less than Type IV fluids, in-service fluid life will be longer, and consequently aircraft operator maintenance costs may be lower.

HyJet V provides excellent high and low temperature flow properties (kinematic viscosities) and rust protection. HyJet V has also demonstrated an improvement over the erosion protection performance afforded by Type IV fluids.


Features and Benefits

Exxon HyJet V offers the following key features and benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Higher stability than Type IV fluids Longer fluid life,
Lesser need to replace fluid due to degradation,
Reduced hydraulic system maintenance costs
Meets Boeing BMS 3-11 and SAE AS1241 Type IV and Type V requirements Improved flammability characteristics over meeting just the Type V requirements
Low density Reduced weight of the hydraulic fluid carried by aircraft,
Reduced aircraft fuel consumption,
Lower operating costs
Excellent rust protection Reduced risk of equipment damage in the event of major water contamination
Excellent low and high temperature viscosity balance Precise hydraulic system control and response even during extended range/polar flights,
Longer aircraft hydraulic system equipment life
Excellent deposit control Longer aircraft hydraulic system equipment life,
Reduced maintenance costs
Improved protection against electro-chemical corrosion (erosion) Protection against servo valve and pump damage
Fully compatible with all approved Type IV and Type V phosphate ester hydraulic fluids Flexibility in use by airline operators



Exxon HyJet V is designed for use in commercial aircraft phosphate ester hydraulic systems. It meets the SAE AS1241 requirements and is included in commercial and business airframe manufacturer Qualified Products Lists, as shown below. It is compatible in all proportions with commercial Type IV and Type V phosphate ester aviation hydraulic fluids.


Specifications and Approvals

                    HyJet V Meets Is In Qualified Products List
SAE Aerospace Standard AS1241 Type V      X            Not Applicable
Airbus NSA 307110N Type V     X                     X
Boeing BMS 3-11P Type V, Grade A and Grade C     X                     X
Boeing-Long Beach DMS 2014H Type 5      X                      X
ATR NSA307110N Type V      X                      X
Gulfstream 1159SCH302J Type V      X                      X


Typical Properties

  Test Method HyJet V (1) Limits
Kinematic Viscosity, cSt ASTM D 445    
at -53.9ºC (-65ºF)   1350 2000 max
at -26.1ºC (-15ºF)   132 135 max
at 37.8ºC (100ºF)   10.6 10.0 - 11.0
at 98.9ºC (210ºF)   3.6 3.35 - 3.75
at 127.6ºC (260ºF)   2.6 1.5 min
Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 280  
Shear Stability, % Viscosity Drop at 40ºC ASTM D 5621 21  
Pour Point, ºC (ºF) ASTM D 97 ‹-62 (-80) -62 (-80) max
Specific Gravity at 25ºC/25ºC (77ºF/77ºF)  ASTM D 4052 0.997 0.991 -1.003
Density at 15.6ºC (60ºF), g/mL (lb/gal)  ASTM D 4052 1.000 (8.35)  
Acid Number, mg KOH/g ASTM D 974 0.04 0.1 max
Water, Karl Fischer, mass % ASTM D 6304 0.09 0.2 max
Flash Point, ºC (ºF)  ASTM D 92 174 (346) 160 (320) min
Fire Point, ºC (ºF) ASTM D 92 186 (366) 177 (350) min
Autoignition Point, ºC (ºF) ASTM D 2155 ›427 (800) 400 (752) min
Foaming Tendency/Stability, mL foam/sec to collapse ASTM D 892    
Sequence I   32/18 250/100 max
Sequence II   23/13 150/50 max
Sequence III   34/19 450/250 max
Particle Count, NAS 1638 Class Auto Counter 4 7 max
Chemical Elements, ppm      
Calcium   4 20 max
Potassium   38 48 max
Chlorine   10 50 max
Sodium   1 15 max
Sulfur   51 200 max
Four-Ball Wear, Scar diameter at 75ºC/600rpm/1hour, mm Modified ASTM D 4172     
4 kg    0.21 0.45 max 
10 kg    0.26 0.50 max 
40 kg    0.63 0.55 – 0.85 
Electrical Conductivity at 20ºC, microSiemens/cm   0.4 0.3 min
Bulk Modulus, Isothermal secant at 100ºF/3000 psi, psi   210,000  
Thermal Conductivity at 40ºC, cal/sec/cm2/ºC (Btu/hr/ft2/ºF)   33x10^-5 (0.0799)  
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, 25 to 100ºC, per ºC (per ºF)   0.00086 (0.00048)  
Specific Heat Capacity at 40 ºC, cal/g/ºC (same as Btu/lb/ºF)   0.42  
(1) Values may vary within modest ranges      


Health and Safety

Based on available toxicological information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used and handled properly. Information on use and handling, as well as health and safety information, can be found in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which can be obtained from your local distributor or via the Internet on http://exxonmobil.com/lubes.

The ExxonMobil logotype, Exxon and HyJet are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. PDS AV-18 


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