Mobil Polyrex EP 2/美孚宝力达EP 2详细说明 (浏览1478次)

美孚宝力达EP 2



美孚宝力达EP 2是一种剪切稳定的聚脲基润滑脂具有优异的极压(EP)和承载特性。专有的聚脲增稠剂体系表现出优良的耐氧化和油分离,在高的工作温度为350°F。美孚宝力达EP 2随着其优秀的高温氧化稳定性,承载能力,剪切稳定性,耐水性和工作温度范围宽,是一个优秀的多用途润滑脂,适用于广泛的工业和建筑应用。



美孚宝力达EP 2包含一个专有的极压(EP)添加剂包,提供了承载能力不降低润滑脂在高温下的热稳定性。常规的含硫和磷基抗极压添加剂,使用在其他多用途润滑脂开始迅速氧化在温度高于250°F。美孚宝力达EP 2,另一方面,继续提供高水平的抗磨和极压保护到350°F无快速氧化的抗磨损或EP添加剂。

美孚宝力达EP 2出色的高温润滑寿命赫然展现在ASTM D 3336润滑脂寿命测试 - 平均ASTM D 3336寿命为490小时,高温润滑寿命的3〜5倍优于竞争多通用锂基润滑脂。


美孚宝力达EP 2专有的聚脲增稠剂体系中显示出优异的耐久性和稳定性时,受到机械剪切力。例如,在ASTM D 217圆锥贯入试验,约一NLGI级后,被工作了10万招 - 高品质的复合锂基润滑脂的性能相似,这是基准的一致性美孚宝力达EP 2改变优良的剪切稳定性。与此相反,有竞争力的聚脲润滑脂含有剪切不稳定的增稠剂技术可以由三个NLGI年级软化,在相同的试验条件下。良好的机械剪切稳定性在滚子轴承中的应用是很重要的,可能导致过多的油脂软化从轴承润滑脂泄漏或清除。


美孚宝力达EP 2配方增强防水聚合物,使得它形成了顽强的保护膜的应用程序中严重污染水。美孚宝力达EP 2中的抗水冲洗(ASTM D 1264)和水喷雾关闭测试(ASTM D 4049)获得了优异的成绩表明油脂的能力,留在原处,即使是在存在的压水喷雾。

综上所述,美孚宝力达EP 2提供了以下特点和优势:

  • 杰出的高温氧化稳定性
  • 优良的机械剪切稳定性
  • 热稳定的极压(EP)保护
  • 宽工作温度范围(-40°F至350°F)
  • 优异的抗水喷雾关闭和抗水冲洗


美孚宝力达EP 2是一个优秀的多用途润滑脂,适用于广泛的工业和建筑应用。


美孚宝力达EP 2
稠化剂类型 聚脲
NLGI等级 2
颜色 绿色
基础油粘度,ASTM D 445  
CST 40°C 235
CST @ 100℃ 18.4
矿物油粘​​度指数,ASTM D 2270 85
渗透,ASTM D217工作,60X度,mm/10 280
锥入度,ASTM D217工作,10万度,mm/10 310
滴点,ASTM D 2265,°C(°F) 280(535)
高温润滑脂寿命,ASTM D 3336,小时@ 177℃ 490
四球焊接ASTM D 2596公斤 500
四球磨损@ 1200转,40千克75℃,1小时后,瘢痕直径毫米 0.4
铁姆肯OK承载能力,ASTM D 2509磅 45
低温扭矩,ASTM D 4693,-40°C,NM 12.2
油分离试验,AS​​TM D 1742,% <0.3
喷水关闭,ASTM D 4049,% 15
水冲蚀,ASTM D 1264,@ 79°C,% 2.7
防锈保护,ASTM D 1743 通过


健康的皮肤状况取决于清洁。油和油脂与皮肤接触可能会导致汗腺和毛囊堵塞。这可能会导致皮肤过敏或皮炎。因此,防护手套,服装和设备应该被磨损,应始终实践和良好的个人卫生习惯。应及时从皮肤除去油,油脂和其他异物。沾污的衣服不应该停留在与皮肤接触。美孚宝力达EP 2很容易从皮肤除去无水洗手剂洗涤用肥皂,温水,和皮肤刷。它可以被删除从服装干洗溶剂或洗涤剂洗涤。如果美孚宝力达EP 2与眼睛接触,用清水冲洗眼睛,直到刺激消退。




美孚字型,飞马图样及Delvac MX均为埃克森美孚公司或其子公司之一,其附属公司的注册商标。  




Mobil Polyrex EP 2

Multi-purpose Grease

Product Description

Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is a shear-stable polyurea grease with excellent extreme-pressure (EP) and load-carrying characteristics. The proprietary polyurea thickener system exhibits excellent resistance to oxidation and oil separation at operating temperatures as high as 350°F. With its outstanding high-temperature oxidation stability, load-carrying capability, shear stability, water resistance and wide operating temperature range, Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is an excellent multi-purpose grease for a wide array of industrial and construction applications.

Features and Benefits


Mobil Polyrex EP 2 contains a proprietary extreme-pressure (EP) additive package that provides load-carrying capability without degrading the thermal stability of the grease at high temperatures. Conventional sulfur- and phosphorus-base EP additives used in other multi-purpose greases begin to oxidize rapidly at temperatures above 250°F. Mobil Polyrex EP 2, on the other hand, continues to provide a high level of wear and extreme-pressure protection up to 350°F without rapid oxidation of the anti-wear or EP additives.

The outstanding high temperature lubrication life of Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is impressively demonstrated in the ASTM D 3336 grease life test - with an average ASTM D 3336 life of 490 hours, 3 to 5 times better than the high-temperature lubrication life of competitive multi-purpose lithium-base greases.


The proprietary polyurea thickener system in Mobil Polyrex EP 2 exhibits excellent durability and stability when subjected to a mechanical shearing force. For example, in the ASTM D 217 cone penetration test, the consistency of Mobil Polyrex EP 2 changed by approximately one NLGI grade after being worked for 100,000 strokes - similar to the performance of high-quality lithium-complex greases, which are the benchmark for excellent shear stability. By contrast, competitive polyurea greases containing shear-unstable thickener technology can soften by three NLGI grades under the same test conditions. Good mechanical shear stability is important in roller bearing applications where excessive grease softening may lead to grease leakage or purging from the bearing.


The Mobil Polyrex EP 2 formulation is enhanced with water-resistant polymers that enable it to form a tenacious protective film in applications that are heavily contaminated with water. The excellent results obtained for Mobil Polyrex EP 2 in the water washout (ASTM D 1264) and water spray-off (ASTM D 4049) tests demonstrate the grease's ability to stay in place, even in the presence of a pressurized water spray.

In summary, Mobil Polyrex EP 2 offers the following features and benefits:

  • Outstanding high-temperature oxidation stability
  • Excellent mechanical shear stability
  • Thermally stable extreme-pressure (EP) protection
  • Wide operating temperature range (-40 F to 350 F)
  • Exceptional resistance to water spray-off and water washout


Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is an excellent multi-purpose grease for a wide array of industrial and construction applications.

Typical Properties

Mobil Polyrex EP 2
Thickener Type Polyurea
NLGI Grade 2
Color Green
Base Oil Viscosity, ASTM D 445  
cSt @ 40°C 235
cSt @ 100°C 18.4
Mineral Oil Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 85
Penetration, ASTM D217 worked, 60x, mm/10 280
Penetration, ASTM D217 worked, 100,000, mm/10 310
Dropping Point, ASTM D 2265, °C (°F) 280 (535)
High Temperature Grease Life, ASTM D 3336, Hours @ 177°C 490
4-Ball Weld, ASTM D 2596, kg 500
4-Ball Wear Scar Diameter, @1200 rpm, 40kg, 75°C, 1 Hour, mm 0.4
Timken OK Load, ASTM D 2509, lb 45
Low Temperature Torque, ASTM D 4693, -40°C, Nm 12.2
Oil separation test, ASTM D 1742, % ‹0.3
Water Spray-off, ASTM D 4049, % 15
Water Washout, ASTM D 1264, @ 79°C, % 2.7
Rust Protection, ASTM D 1743 Pass

Health and Safety

Healthy skin condition depends on cleanliness. Oils and greases in contact with skin can result in plugging of sweat glands and hair follicles. This may lead to skin irritation or dermatitis. Accordingly, protective gloves, clothing and equipment should be worn and good personal hygiene should always be practiced. Oils, greases, and other foreign materials should be removed from the skin promptly. Soiled clothing should not remain in contact with the skin. Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is readily removed from the skin by waterless hand cleaners followed by washing with soap, warm water, and a skin brush. It can be removed from clothing by dry-cleaning with solvents or by washing with laundry detergents. If Mobil Polyrex EP 2 comes in contact with the eyes, flush the eyes with fresh water until the irritation subsides.

As in the case of all greases, if there is a puncture wound with grease contamination, or an injury where grease is injected into body tissue, such as a "grease gun injury," prompt medical assistance should be obtained.

WARNING: "Empty" containers retain residue (liquid and/or vapor) and can be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose such containers to heat, flame, sparks or other sources of ignition; they may explode and cause injury or death. Do not attempt to clean since residue is difficult to remove, and even a trace of remaining material constitutes an explosive hazard. "Empty" drums should be completely drained, properly bunged, and promptly returned to a drum reconditioner. All other containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations.

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed.  MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet.  This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use.  If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

The Mobil logotype, the Pegasus design and Delvac are trademarks of ExxonMobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries.  


Copyright © 2001-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved.


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