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TOTAL LUBRILAM CLEANER 道达尔轧制油详细说明 (浏览1401次)
LUBRILAM CLEANER Metalworking Air purification oil designed for the aluminium rolling industry. UTILISATIONS Purification of air containing solvent vapours ( rolling base). LUBRILAM CLEANER is particuliarly well-adapted to Airpur systems. ADVANTAGES Highly refined mineral, base possessing a high solvent vapours adsorption capacity . Excellent oxidation stability, increased service life. Substantial reduction in consumption of rolling bases. Enables recycling of evaporation losses. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS METHODS UNITS LUBRILAM CLEANER Appearance visual - clear Density at 15°C ISO 3675 Kg/m3 872 Colour ASTM - < 1 Viscosity at 40°C ISO 3104 mm2/s 30.6 PM flash point ISO2719 °C 220 Above characteristics are mean values given as an information |