FUCHS PLANTOGEAR S详细说明 (浏览1859次)



Environmentally Friendly Gear and Lubricating Oils Based on Synthetic Esters

Environmentally Friendly Gear and Lubricating Oils Based on Synthetic Esters

It has been recognized for a number of years now that the use of mineral oil-based lubricants poses certain environmental risks. Leakages, emissions and spillages when handling gear and lubricating oils lead to direct pollution of the surroundings and thus the environment. This fact led FUCHS to develop rapidly biodegradable lubricants based on vegetable oils and synthetic esters.

The PLANTOGEAR S series of oils are based on synthetic esters. They represent an environmentally friendly alternative to mineral oil-based gear and lubricating oils. They can be classified as CKC gear oils according to ISO 6743-6 and meet ISO/CD 6743-4 guidelines for HEES fluids. 

The advantages of PLANTOGEAR S are: 

  • Rapidly biodegradable (greater 90 % within 14 days according to CEC-L-33-A-93) 
  • German Water Hazard Class WGK 0, i.e. generally not hazardous for water 
  • Non-toxic, physiologically harmless 
  • Free of heavy metals 
  • Good low-temperature characteristics 
  • Excellent resistance to ageing and oxidation 
  • Excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour because of their high natural VI 
  • Excellent anti-wear properties 
  • Extremely shear-stable 
  • Rapid air release 
  • Minimal foaming 
  • Insoluble in water 
  • Good demulsibility characteristics 
  • Applicable at tank temperatures ranging from -35 °C to +90 °C

PLANTOGEAR S lubricants can be used in spur gears, bevel gears, planetary gears and worm gears at working temperatures up to 90 °C. PLANTOGEAR S oils are recommended for gearboxes and circulation systems in packaging and food stuff related industries as well as for gearboxes operated in Protected Water Zones and in water purification plants. 

For first-fill and change-over procedures we recommend to flush the gearbox or lubrication system. As stated in ISO/CD ECO, residual quantities of mineral oil should be kept to a minimum by flushing prior to refilling. Compatible internal finishes on tanks and gearboxes should be selected. Paint finishes which are not 2-part epoxy systems can display poor resistance to mineral oil as well as synthetic esters. In general, we recommend the use of stainless steel tanks. Filter systems should also be compatible with synthetic esters.

The powerful cleaning effect of these fluids can dislodge large amounts of dirt and contaminants and this can, in turn, shorten the life of filters. System filters should be cleaned or changed after about the first week of use with PLANTOGEAR S. The ISO/CD ECO guidelines should also be observed. To maintain optimum reliability, any water which has collected in systems which have been shut-down for longer periods should be drained. Water or moisture problems can be reduced if filtering and drying equipment is fitted to tank breathers. According to ISO/CD ECO, water content during use should be kept below 0.1 %.

The use of synthetic ester resistant sealing materials and plastics is recommended. 

Our application engineers will be glad to advise you on: 

  • Experiences with these products 
  • Application possibilities 
  • Material compatibility 
  • Change-over procedures
and service facilities regarding PLANTO products. 

Typical data: 

PLANTOGEAR   100 S 150 S 220 S 320 S 460 S 680 S 1000 S  
Lubricating oil type acc. to ISO 6743-6 acc. to DIN 51 502   CKC 100 CLPE 100 CKC 150 CLPE 150 CKC 220 CLPE 220 CKC 320 CLPE 320 CKC 460 CLPE 460 CKC 680 CLPE 680 CKC 1000 CLPE 1000  
Characteristics Unit               Test method
Colour   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ASTM D 1500
Kinematic viscosity                  
at 40 °C mm²/s 101 148 220 325 467 686 1057 ASTM D 445
at 100 °C mm²/s 17.8 23.4 33 47 60.6 82 113 ASTM D 445
Viscosity index   194 189 196 204 211 205 208 ASTM D 2270
Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.925 0.926 0.927 0.929 0.931 0.933 0.935 ASTM D 1298
Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 290 252 290 290 290 290 >300 ASTM D 92
Pour point °C - 36 – 39 – 36 – 30 – 33 – 30 -27 ASTM D 97
Neutralization number mg KOH/g 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 ASTM D 974
seq. I ml 5/0 5/0 10/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 60/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-II
seq. II ml 25/0 20/0 10/0 40/0 25/0 30/0 35/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-II
Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 ASTM D 130
Rust prevention   pass A pass A pass A pass A pass A pass A pass A ASTM D 665
FZG mechanical gear rig test load stage > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 DIN 51 354-2

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