Mobilgard 1 SHC 美孚佳特1 SHC合成船舶发动机油详细说明 (浏览2108次)

Mobilgard 1 SHC

Synthetic Diesel Engine Oil

Product Description

Mobilgard 1 SHC by ExxonMobil is a supreme performance, synthetic diesel engine oil specifically formulated to address the needs of high power, distillate fueled diesel engines. It provides unsurpassed lubrication including long drain capability and extended engine life for today's marine diesel engines operating in severe applications.

The unsurpassed performance capabilities of Mobilgard 1 SHC are the result of extensive cooperative development work with major equipment builders combined with the latest engine lubrication engineering. It is especially effective in extreme temperature applications. A true SAE 40 grade lubricant, on very hot engine parts, it provides stronger lubrication film strength than most SAE 50 engine oils. At low temperatures, it flows like an SAE 20W product and thus provides outstanding start-up reliability and wear protection at extreme low temperatures as low as -54ºC.

Revolutionary load carrying additives also make Mobilgard 1 SHC an outstanding wide temperature range gear lubricant.

Features and Benefits

Modern high performance, low emission, diesel engines in severe-service applications significantly increase the demands on engine lubricants. Current engine designs are tighter, reducing oil consumption and resulting in less fresh oil make-up to replenish depleted additives. Top piston rings may be located higher bringing the oil film closer to the combustion chamber where temperatures increase thermal stress on the lubricant. Higher fuel injector pressure and retarded timing improve control of exhaust emissions, but also increase engine temperatures and increase soot loads in engines operating with exhaust gas re-circulation. Mobilgard 1 SHC can provide satisfactory lubrication at temperatures significantly higher than the upper limit for other extra high performance diesel engine oils. Its inherent viscosity is SAE 40 and on very hot engine components it resists oil film breakdown better than conventional SAE 50 lubricants. The synthetic chemistry and wax free nature also provides low temperature pumpability in comparison with a conventional SAE 20W lubricant. Mobilgard 1SHC is fully compatible with conventional oils.

Mobilgard 1 SHC has all the advantages of an SAE 40 weight oil without the higher oil consumption inherent in multigrade oils that use very light base stocks to achieve low temperature performance. Because of the unique molecular structure of the advanced base stocks used, combined with a highly responsive additive system, Mobilgard 1 SHC is not as volatile in the high temperature ring-belt area of the pistons in turbocharged engines. It reduces oil consumption and wear, while improving fuel economy.

Mobilgard 1 SHC is also environmentally friendly in that it can significantly extend oil drain intervals beyond conventional oils which reduces waste oil disposal. In addition, the formulation is designed without the use of zinc and with low chlorine levels well below the most stringent regulations in effect today.

Key features and potential benefits include:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Exceptional thermal and oxidation stability Minimises high temperature deposit formation, bore polish, varnish and sludge build-up
Extends oil drain and service periods
Excellent antiwear properties Extends the life of critical engine components
Enhanced frictional properties Maintains effective oil film under severe operation and improves fuel economy
Excellent rust and corrosion protection Protects critical engine components and bearing metals
Outstanding high and low temperature performance Wide temperature and operating application range
Quick start-up and immediate oil circulation at low ambient temps
Excellent water separation and anti-foam performance Maintains film strength for reliable performance under severe operating conditions
Low volatility Reduced oil consumption



Mobilgard 1 SHC is recommended for use as a crankcase lubricant in medium and high speed diesel engines in severe marine service. It is especially suited to the needs of high power concentration engines where thermal stress and loading on the lubricant are severe, as well as for applications involving low-temperature and /or frequent start-up, rapid loading following rapid start-up, and abrupt shutdown after high speed operations.

Specific applications include:

  • Military patrol vessels, high speed ferry/passenger vessels, racing boats and luxury yachts
  • Life and rescue boat engines, emergency generators, auxiliary engines
  • Marine gearing applications where FZG Level 12 is required
  • Fully compatible with conventional mineral oils and mineral oil systems
  • Can be used in confidence in engines containing silver bearing components due to non-zinc formulation

Specifications and Approvals

Mobilgard 1 SHC meets or Exceeds the following industry and builder specifications  
API CF, CF-2  
MTU Type II (extended drain up to 1500 hours in fast ferries)  
FZG Stage 12  


Mobilgard 1 SHC is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring:  

Typical Properties

SAE Grade 40
Viscosity, ASTM D 445  
cSt @ 40ºC 109
cSt @ 100ºC 14.5
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 136
TBN, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 2896 15
Sulphated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 874 1.6
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -54
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 250
Density @15ºC kg/l, ASMT D 4052 0.872
Chlorine Content, ppm, max 150


Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application, following the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). MSDSs are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet on http://exxonmobil.com. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

The ExxonMobil logotype, and Mobilgard are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. 


Copyright © 2001-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved..


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