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RENOLIN UNISYN CLP460详细说明 (浏览2032次)
产品名称性能概述及应用 RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 系列全合成聚烯烃基极压齿轮油。与矿物油完全相容,满足并超过DIN HC及ISO CKC等级,并取得FLENDER认可。 建议用于承受高压和工作温度波动大的轴承及齿轮箱润滑系统中。 RENOLIN CLP 系列高极压工业齿轮油。具有极强的极压抗磨和防腐蚀性能。符合美钢USS 224、美国齿轮制造商协会AGMA250.44及德国DIN 51517-3的规格。 特别适用于负荷处于波动的情况和齿面磨合期。 RENOLIN MR 系列齿轮箱磨合防锈油,具有极佳的抗极压,防腐防锈性能,可作为齿轮箱及机组的磨合油及防锈油。 RENOLIN MR 10 Z被ZF公司推荐用于动力转向试验台测试用油。
Product I N F O R M A T I O N RENOLIN UNISYN CLP Also named RENOLIN UNISYN CKC Fully Synthetic Polyalphaolefin-Based Industrial Gear and Lubricating Oils Designed for use in industrial gearboxes and general Application: lubricating systems subject to high temperatures, RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils are fully-synthetic lubricants based on RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils can be used in bearings, lubrication polyalphaolefins. RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils lower friction and systems and gearboxes subject to high or fluctuating reduce wear. Furthermore, these oils increase the efficiency of temperatures. machine components. In gearboxes and lubricating systems where the sump Depending on the application, a number of viscosity grades temperatures exceed 90 °C, normal mineral oil change can be satisfied by a single RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oil. This intervals can be significantly extended with RENOLIN UNISYN allows users to rationalize stocks and cut costs. CLP oils which, in turn, substantially lower operating and disposal costs. Polyalphaolefins, and thus RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils, are miscible and compatible with mineral oils at all ratios and can When changing-over to RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils in machines be disposed-of as such. The compatibility of polyalphaolefins and equipment that operate at temperatures of over 60 °C, with common machinery materials, seals and paint finishes is one viscosity grade lower than the normal mineral oil grade comparable with that of mineral oils. Changing-over to should be selected. RENOLIN UNISYN CLP is therefore very simple and requires no prior flushing. The reduction of the oil sump temperature increases lubricity, viscosity and lifetime of the lubricant and the gear units. RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils can be classified as CKC lubricating oils according to ISO 6743-6. RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils can Specifications: also be classified as CLP lubricating oils according to DIN 51 517-3. The advantages of RENOLIN UNISYN CLP oils: * DIN 51 517-3: CLP-HC * Good low-temperature characteristics * ISO 6743-6: CKC * Good high-temperature characteristics * US Steel 224 * Excellent resistance to ageing and oxidation (increases * AGMA 250.04 service intervals) * FZG A/8,3/90: load stage > 12, DIN 51 354-2 * Excellent corrosion protection (steel and nonferrous * FZG A/16,6/140: load stage > 12, DIN 51 354-2 materials) * FZG C/8,3/90: load stage 10, FVA1) No. 54/I-IV * Excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour because of their high natural viscosity index (VI) * Approved by FLENDER, Germany * Excellent anti-wear properties (FZG failure load stage > * Approved by other important gear manufacturers 12, FZG A/8,3/90 and FZG A/16,6/140) * High micro pitting resistance according to FVA1) 54/I-IV (FZG load stage 10 = high, GT C/8,3/90) * Absolutely shear-stable
* Rapid air release * Excellent foaming properties, no foam * Good demulsifying properties, very good water separation * Operating temperatures can be reduced, increase of lubricant life time 1) FVA = German Drivetrain Research Association |