RENOLIN MR0详细说明 (浏览1901次)

RENOLIN UNISYN CLP 系列全合成聚烯烃基极压齿轮油。与矿物油完全相容,满足并超过DIN HC及ISO CKC等级,并取得FLENDER认可。
RENOLIN CLP 系列高极压工业齿轮油。具有极强的极压抗磨和防腐蚀性能。符合美钢USS 224、美国齿轮制造商协会AGMA250.44及德国DIN 51517-3的规格。
RENOLIN MR 系列齿轮箱磨合防锈油,具有极佳的抗极压,防腐防锈性能,可作为齿轮箱及机组的磨合油及防锈油。
RENOLIN MR 10 Z被ZF公司推荐用于动力转向试验台测试用油。 




Multipurpose Lubricating Oil for Bearings, Gearboxes and Hydraulic Systems

Multipurpose Lubricating Oil for Bearings, Gearboxes and Hydraulic Systems

Engine oils have to perform many different functions. They not only have to lubricate, i.e. reduce friction and wear but also to keep the machines clean, inhibit corrosion, seal and cool. In many cases only one of these functions is emphasized while the others are neglected. But one must actually consider all of these functions along with their interactions. The places were most wear and soiling takes place in an engine are the cylinder walls, pistons, rings, valves, distributor and oil pump drives, camshafts, tappets, rockers, all bearings and the sump. An oil must withstand a number of physical conditions, the most important of which being temperature. An oil is expected to perform satisfactorily from - 40 to + 300°C and in some conditions even above this temperature without losing its efficiency. The oil in an engine is mechanically contaminated by combustion residues (soot), abraded metal particles, dust and sand and chemically affected by oxygen, acids and water. The question is: Are these tasks and requirements only applicable to engine oils? and the answer is: No, all machinery lubricants have to fulfil similar requirements. Of course, the particular emphasis reflects the application in question.

The special RENOLIN MR oils are lubricants which satisfy the diversity of such applications.
RENOLIN MR oils were developed over 30 years ago but are still among the leading hydraulic and lubricating oils currently available. This is proof of the quality of these oils as well as confirmation of the foresight of FUCHS R + D laboratories which first developed these detergent hydraulic oils.

The RENOLIN MR series of oils offer the following advantages:

  • Multipurpose lubricating oils
  • Excellent corrosion protection (characteristics of conservation oils are given)
  • Excellent cleaning and sludge transportation properties
  • Friction and wear reducing
  • Good resistance to ageing

RENOLIN MR multipurpose lubricating oils are recommended for the running-in of machinery, for functional tests and for operational lubrication. When factory-filled, RENOLIN MR oils guarantee running-in free of undue wear and seizures in addition to complete protection of machinery internals against corrosion even in difficult conditions such as overseas shipment. A further advantage is that the factory-filled oil can remain in the machine all the way through to the first routine oil change interval.

If the machinery cannot be delivered factory-filled, the RENOLIN MR oil film remaining after the functional test offers good corrosion protection to all wetted surfaces. When used for normal operation, RENOLIN MR oils reduce wear, avoid stick-slip or frictional vibration and protect against corrosion. Furthermore, they ensure that oil circuits remain clean.

RENOLIN MR oils are therefore recommended for machinery with low speed movements, if a good wetting film between cylinders and sealing elements is required as well as when machinery is exposed to unfavourable atmospheric conditions such as large temperature fluctuations and thus condensation formation, air-borne dust such as in foundries, in cement manufacturing plants or on construction sites and last but by no means least, for machine tools especially if water-miscible cutting fluids are used.

RENOLIN MR 0, MR 1 and MR 3 are heavy-duty spindle oils recommended for machine tools and textile machinery. RENOLIN MR 0 especially for grinding machine spindles rotating faster than 2,000 rpm. RENOLIN MR 1 for machine tool spindles turning between 600 and 2,000 rpm and for textile machine spindles revolving faster than 10,000 rpm. RENOLIN MR 3 for machine tool spindles turning under 600 rpm and for textile machine spindles revolving slower than 10,000 rpm.

RENOLIN MR 5, RENOLIN MR 10, RENOLIN MR 15, are heavy-duty hydraulic oils capable of withstanding continuous temperatures of over 100°C, even up to 120°C for short periods. They are recommended by leading manufacturers of hydraulic equipment and in some cases, factory-filled.

RENOLIN MR 10 is also suitable for power steering systems. RENOLIN MR 10, RENOLIN MR 15 and RENOLIN MR 20 are recommended for medium-duty transmissions, in particular those fitted with electromagnetic, multiple clutches. RENOLIN MR 30 and RENOLIN MR 40 are recommended for heavy-duty transmissions.

RENOLIN MR 0 MR 1 MR 3 MR 5 MR 10 MR 15 MR 20 MR 30 MR 40
Hydraulic oil type
acc. to ISO 6743-4¹ HM 10 HM 22 HM 32 HM 46 HM 68 HM 100 HM 150
acc. to DIN 51 502¹ HLPD10 HLPD 22 HLPD 32 HLPD 46 HLPD 68 HLPD 100
Characteristics Unit Test method
Colour 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.5 3.5 ASTM D 1500
Kinematic viscosity
at 40 °C mm²/s 2.2 4.8 9.5 22 35 49 70 102 146 ASTM D 445
at 100 °C mm²/s 1 1.6 2.6 4.3 5.8 7.5 9 11.2 14.2 ASTM D 445
Viscosity index - 100 107 116 102 95 95 ASTM D 2270
Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.825 0.843 0.86 0.878 0.883 0.884 0.885 0.892 0.898 ASTM D 1298
Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 75 85 160 165 200 220 225 230 250 ASTM D 92
Pour point °C – 42 - 36 - 30 – 30 – 30 – 27 – 27 – 21 - 18 ASTM D 97
Neutralization number mg KOH/g 0.7 ASTM D 974
Saponification number mg KOH/g 2.4 ASTM D 94
Oxide ash % mass 0.27 ASTM D 482
Water content ASTM D 95 % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable
Insolubles DIN 51 592 % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable not traceable
Demulsification min non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying non demulsifying DIN 51 599
Air release at 50 °C min 1 1 2 4 7 10 12 20 30 ASTM D 3427
seq. I ml < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
seq. II ml < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
seq. III ml < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 < 30/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 ASTM D 130
Rust prevention pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B ASTM D 665
Ageing behavior,
viscosity increase % 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 ASTM D 2893
precipitation number increase ml < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 ASTM D 2893
FZG mechanical gear rig test load stage 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 DIN 51 354-2
Vickers vane pump test, loss of mass
on ring mg < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 < 120 IP 281
on vanes after 250 h mg < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 IP 281
Effect on SRE-NBR 1 seal material acc.to DIN 53 538-1 at 100 °C +/– 1 °C after 7 days +/– 2 hours,
relative volume change % 20 18 17 14 11 9 8 7 7 DIN 53 521 together with DIN 53 505
change in Shore A hardness Shore – 9 - 7 - 6 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 DIN 53 521 together with DIN 53 505

上一产品: Castrol EP Gear Lube 系列
下一产品: Mobilgear SHC MT 68 美孚SHC MT68
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