品牌专区 >> 克鲁勃润滑脂  >>  CENTOPLEX GLP 500/CENTOPLEX GLP500
Fluid multipurpose grease for long-term lubrication
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Klüber Lubrication München KG, a member of the Freudenberg group
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Product information 5.578 e Edition 10.03
Article number: 020181 GATE-B/SP
• Multipurpose grease for
long-term lubrication
• High pressure absorption
• Applicable through central
lubrication systems, especially single-line lubrication
Product data
Chemical structure, oil type mineral oil
Chemical structure, thickener lithium soap
Service temperature range*, °C -30 to 100
Colour brown
Density at 20°C [g/cm3
], approx. 0.94
Cone penetration of lubricating greases acc. to
Klein, worked penetration at 25 °C, lower limit
value, [0.1 mm] approx. 700
Cone penetration of lubricating greases acc. to
Klein, worked penetration at 25 °C, upper limit
value, [0.1 mm] approx. 800
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil, DIN 51562
pt. 01, Ubbelohde, 40 °C, [mm2
/s], approx. 110
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil, DIN 51562
pt. 01, Ubbelohde, 100 °C, [mm2
/s], approx. 9.0
Copper corrosion, DIN 51811, (lubricating
grease), 24h/100 °C, degree of corrosion 1 - 100
* Service temperatures are guide values which depend on the lubricant's composition, the intended use and the application
method. Lubricants change their consistency, apparent dynamic viscosity or viscosity depending on the mechano-dynamical
loads, time, pressure and temperature. These changes in product characteristics may affect the function of a component.
CENTOPLEX GLP 500 is a fluid
multipurpose grease for the longterm lubrication at normal temperatures and high loads.
CENTOPLEX GLP 500 was especially designed for friction points
subject to high loads, e.g. rolling
bearings, plain bearings, guides,
threaded spindles and other highly
stressed machine elements.
This universal lubricating grease is
used for the lubrication of highly
loaded, oil-tight spur and bevel
gears (e.g. gear motors, small
gears), worm gears with steel/steel
material combinations and denture
CENTOPLEX GLP 500 is also suitable for the lubrication of linear
guides, e.g. in machine tools, as well
as in assembly and conveyor systems equipped with central lubrication installations.
Application notes
CENTOPLEX GLP 500 can be applied through the usual applications
systems (e.g. spatula, grease gun),
or through central lubrication installations and metering systems. The
grease is approved by numerous
manufacturers of central lubricatio